Making a Victim (Impact) Statement

A Victim (Impact) Statement is different to the other statements we ask you for. It is also called a victim statement. This is your opportunity to tell the court how the crime has affected you:

  • in your health – mental or physical
  • in your finances – your money situation

If you are invited to submit a Victim (Impact) Statement, it is your choice if you do so. You do not have to give one.

What goes in a Victim (Impact) Statement

Victim (Impact) Statements may include details of how a crime has affected you, including if it has led you to suffer:

  • physical injuries
  • changes to your mood, anxiety or confidence levels
  • damage to relationships
  • loss of your income, property or ability to earn

It is important for your statement to be accurate as you may be asked about it.

You should avoid:

  • details about the crime – the trial will go into anything relevant
  • your views about the accused person
  • how the crime has affected other people, such as your children
  • separate incidents and offences
  • opinions on sentencing

How to submit a Victim (Impact) Statement

If it is appropriate, we will include a form with your citation letter. Complete and send it back to us by the date shown.

When Victim (Impact) Statements are used

Your Victim (Impact) Statement will be given to the court if:

  • the accused pleads guilty at any stage
  • the judge or jury gives a guilty verdict

The judge will see your victim impact statement before sentencing. This means that the judge can take into account the impact that the crime has had on you.

Your Victim (Impact) Statement will not normally be disclosed to the defence. However, if the statement contains material information, e.g. information that strengthens the defence case, information that weakens the prosecution case or information that will be led during the trial, then that information will need to be disclosed to the defence.